In the future ledger nano s will be compatible with Ronin?

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I would love to use my Ledger at Ronin, as I already use at Metamask.

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Please add Ledger support!

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Ledger! Ledger! Ledger!

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Ledger! Ledger! Ledger!

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After migration all my axies was moved to Ronin, but my unclaimed SLP is shows 0. Can anyone help please?

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Was it resolved? Same instance with me. Where do the SLP's go?

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I called my money from Metamask to Ronin and copied Ronin to the address button above, but unfortunately I got an error, I deleted Ronin's name and two dots and the machine automatically processed and I do not know why it did not do so now I do not have money in Ronim, nor in Metamsk, please help.

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Please i need your help/advice how to recover Ronin seed phrase im only newbie. my laptop motherboard is broken. seed phrases also keep in my personal laptop. please help me what should i do, can i used private key to recover my ronin phrase?

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I can log on and play my axie by using my email address. the problem i can not open my ronin due to seed phrase is keep on my laptop =( Please help me

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I cant transfer it says you use your transaction limit?

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Hi On September 6, 2021 I purchase 6 axies. I found out that one axie was not in my inventory. It shows in my activity. When I click on the axie number it was still for sale. (You bought healer plant from Gavin Pierce for 0.058 ETH. 0xcc1bfeb95c7d6a987e0ec078a9bacefc67ea4771c6274b105d863. and on September 7, 2021 I bought another axie 2 of the same axie number was showing in my activity. I received one. 2was deducted in my account.


You bought F from HG02 for 0.092 ETH.



You bought F from HG02 for 0.092 ETH.



This was showing in my activity. I hope you will contact me and refund.

bloomnstyle@hotmail com. Regards

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What Ronin Wallet is this? FAKE? PHISHING?

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Hello. Somebody Hack my ronin wallet. And transfer all off my axie what can I do? now my axie is list to sale.

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Hello, a Marketplace transaction failed but still deducted my Ronin Wallet. Been trying to get help but could not find an official support channel. Discord servers are all full. Any leads?

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Did you get yours WETH back? I'm having the exact same issue.

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I really need help guys, I only created 1 ronin acct, however, when I am trying to log in to the marketplace, it says that I need to log because I am using a different ronin address from the marketplace and ronin wallet, what shall I do, please someone from axie customer service help me. Thank you

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Hi who knows why step 3 in ronin (confirm) is getting issue all words as incorrect

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Whom it may concern

Who should I contact for technical consultation about Ronin wallet?

Please let me know. I'm not used to discord

Please reply by email if possible.

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Whom it may concern

I'm trying to bleed some Axies.

But I couldn't bridge slp and axs from MetaMask to Ronin wallet

in trouble.

When I contacted MetaMask, I was asked to contact Ronin Wallet Support.

Both MetaMask and Ronin Wallet seem to be working, but I haven't been able to transfer money.

Please tell me how to deal with it.

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Whom it may concern

I'm trying to bleed a new Axie.

But I couldn't bridge slp and axs from MetaMask to Ronin wallet

in trouble.

When I contacted MetaMask, I was asked to contact Ronin Wallet Support.

Both MetaMask and Ronin Wallet seem to be working, but I haven't been able to transfer money.

Please tell me how to deal with it.

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Please help i accidentally send eth to a ronin bridge, im just a newbie please help to return my funds. I badly needed that investment, my wife is giving birth this October i need to earn please

Metamask wallet: 0x5C91B931D841A561Eb98fb9D9345100b5dCC7D32

Ronin wallet: ronin:b31fd35a1560b8229f7d23ad2b5bce994918760c

Contract address: 0x1A2a1c938CE3eC39b6D47113c7955bAa9DD454F2

Transaction hash: 0xe0af6865cdfa099c3f40026b5b025fecd5373f83dbe3fdab5c9115bbdacff0c8

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How can i contact ronin customer service i have consern about 1 people to use your wallet to make money on other people scammer

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How do you contact ronin customer service?

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How can i connect my ronin trezor account to axie account?

It just keeps on loading when i tried to log in using ronin

With my new trezor ronin account

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1. Your in-game username: Capman

2. Your eth address: Not showing

3. Your Ronin address: ronin:b29c5623f43d922a211771d22447ac0d052c4868

4. Describe your problem in detail and attach any screenshots that might help us resolve the matter.

- I kept on getting an error message asking me to Sync my Ronin wallet to my account, where in fact it's should already be synced using the Ronin seed phrase. I kept on trying but it won't let me. I have my Ronin seed phrase synced it on my account but it won't let me breed, gift, or do anything as it keeps on asking me to sync my Ronin account, and when I try the error message below keeps on showing.

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is there a way to add existing account to the hardware wallet without transferring? as I have a few account that I use for scholars just trying to find a way to save them sometime on leveling up the axies again.

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Hi there. Did you figure out a way to transfer without resetting the levels? Thanks

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Whenever i dowload Ronin Wallet it keeps downloading failed even though i have enough storage on my phone.

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Same here

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is there anywat i can revert transaction from ronin wallet to ronin gateway manager?

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I can't login into my account. The Axie account you’re currently logged in with doesn’t match your Ronin Wallet. Please switch your Ronin Wallet to the Ronin address linked to your Axie account. I can't switch, how to do that ?

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means you have two Ronin accounts , and you have two options

1.log in to your first ronin account that is associated to your current Axie acc.

2. or create a new Axie acc. and link your current Ronin that you are using

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log in to your first ronin account that is associated to your current Axie acc.



can't do this im doing the the step and put the right seed phrase and still the ronnin is different with my current ronnin

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I am experiencing the same problem 😭 did you solve it?? My ronin wallet does not link to my axie. please help

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Is this solve already? I have same prblem

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already solved. Someone helped me.

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Can you help me please I. Dying to solve this please

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Who and where did you ask for help

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My axie migration is still at 0% after several hours, can I stop it and try again?

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It still does not solve the problem of high commissions when SWAP between SLP / AXS or SLP / ETH. We are facing the same as uniswap.

Has no sense

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Its my first time to sign up and ok with "Activate Ronin Wallet" but "Unlock Ronin Wallet" is not. Any pointers?

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add your ronin to your browser extension. then log in/unlock it

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Hey! can anyone help me to find the tokenURI of deployed contracts like Axie LAND and Axis ITEM?

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Muito bom.....não vejo a hora de começar a usar e depois abrir vendas de terras ....perdi a primeira fase.......boa sorte a todos nós !!!!!!!!! Parabéns a todos !!!!!

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Wil it be possible to authenticate users to third party websites using Ronin? Not to process any transaction on Ronin chain, just to obtain the public address and send tokens. Please add this feature if it's not on your roadmap

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Help im forget codephrase ronin what should i do?

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you can only cry

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Ghni l3lwa

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This account steals the accounts must be reported

SCAM! Hope you rot in hell you piece of shit!

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This account steals the accounts must be reported

SCAM! Hope you rot in hell you piece of shit! fuck you

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scam haha slapsoil

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