you have to provide us some starter axies... because these axies are too much expensive. so many other people can start play...

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When will the ronin lost seed phrases problem will fixed?like to unlink lost ronin seed phrase..please give us a time to migrate our axies..thank you much

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Axie Adjust all aquatic cards attack and its shield and for tank axie adjust all the shield of its card especially change the shelter card and make it comboed with two cards cuz its so annoying and icant win any more only other players can win in arena its so unfair only they can earn money fast and not me this is so unfair better adjust and fix it

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When we can play axies on google play and apple store, ww will be paying on the moon.

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So happy te here the update is closer. Keep un the amazing work. We are all very excited

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This account steals the accounts must be reported

SCAM! Hope you rot in hell you piece of shit!

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This account steals the accounts must be reported

SCAM! Hope you rot in hell you piece of shit!

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