Streamer Rewards Program Season 1 Winners
Big congrats to all the creators who joined the Streamer Rewards Program!
10,777 total hours streamed across 300+ creators—Season 1 of the Streamer Rewards Program has been a blast!
We also sent out an exclusive creator avatar and border to qualified creators. Look at these beauties!
The top 50 streamers with the MOST STREAMED HOURS was entered into a tiered raffle. Every creator within the rank was entered into a raffle and got randomized prizing within that tier. Creators who were able to stream at least 20 hours were also included in a randomized raffle, which allowed creators who streamed less hours to still compete for rewards.
With this, 63 total creators were able to receive and share the 650 AXS prizing!
You can check out the full list of winners here. For now, let’s celebrate the Top 10 finalists!
1.) dur4zn1ll0 - 55 AXS
2.) imjnrc#2666 - 55 AXS
3.) .naelith - 55 AXS
4.) titokliber - 55 AXS
5.) RRtiger#4821 - 55 AXS
6.) Chillchilax#0922 - 20 AXS
7.) Axiedominion#6714 - 20 AXS
8.) Furyoso#3005 - 20 AXS
9.) HaLoXeD#0528 - 15 AXS
10.) snoopy_axie - 15 AXS
Congratulations to all the creators who participated and won rewards for this run!
We’re committed to improving this program and cooking up more fun ways to celebrate and empower Axie Creators.
See you in the Arena! ⚔️
P.S. Cosmetics prizing has been sent, and the AXS prizing will be sent in the next two weeks to those who made it to the final list.
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