Key Points
Origins Season 6 is LIVE! The Season will last 49 days and features a special tournament during the Final Era.
Compete for a total of 112,000 AXS rewards up for grabs across the Leaderboard, Weekly Quests, Fortune Chests, and Collectible Rewards! That’s over $500,000!
Owners of collectible axies can earn bonus rewards during Season 6. The new Account Level Reward System also enables players to earn EXP – and rewards!
Season 6 features a few key updates. First, we’re turning up the heat by reducing turns to 45 seconds each! We’ve also introduced new starter axies, revamped the intro tutorial, disabled Adventure Mode, and simplified the Account Registration process.
See the Balancing and Game Mechanic Updates at the end of this announcement.
Lunacia, the moment many of us have been waiting for is here. Welcome to Origins Season 6! This may be the most competitive and accessible season – ever. We’ve made updates to the Leaderboard, revamped the onboarding process, and introduced new reward systems. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s begin!
Season 6 Timeline
Origins Season 6 starts today and will last for 49 days. That means it will end on November 11th, 2023. Players will battle it out through four separate Eras: Rare, Epic, Mystic, and Final. In the Final Era, the Top 8 will face off in a special tournament to crown the champion. Each Era will last for two weeks except for the Mystic Era which will last for seven days.
Faster Turn Timer and Leaderboard Updates
The Origins arena is where our community unleashes its competitive fire. That’s why we’re doing two things at once in Season 6: turning up the heat for our veterans, and warming up our new recruits more than before.
In Season 6, we’ve reduced the turn timer to 45 seconds. This makes each battle faster-paced, and rewards players for quick thinking, situational awareness, and mastery of the evolving meta. That means you’ll have less time to make moves – and so will your opponent! Let us know what you think of this new feature. We’re always open to feedback.
There will also be a total of 75,012 AXS up for grabs on the Leaderboard. The Top 10,000 finishers will receive mAXS rewards according to the schedule below, while the Top 40,000 players will be eligible for a variety of other rewards. We’re also distributing more mAXS rewards through contests and limited-time events. That means that fewer players will place in the overall Leaderboard than previous seasons, and casual players will have more opportunities to experience the thrill of earning rewards in Origins. Check out the full overview below and note the difference between AXS Rewards vs. Bonus Rewards:
The Final Era Tournament
At the end of the Final Era, the Top 8 players will battle it out for huge rewards and even greater glory. We’ll share more tournament details soon. Here’s how the Final Era tournament rewards will look:
Bonus Rewards for Collectible Axies (Web3 Battle Pass?)
Imagine a digital collectible that also functions as a battle pass. This is the inspiration behind a brand new collectible axie reward system that we’re rolling out with Season 6.
This season, owners of Mystic, Origin, Xmas, Shiny, Japanese, and Meo axies will be able to earn AXS-infused chests through active play. To earn these chests, collectors will need to reach Tiger rank during Rare era, Dragon rank during Epic era, and Challenger during Mystic era. One chest per era.
For example, if you own a Christmas axie and it’s your highest tier collectible axie, you are eligible to earn one Christmas Chest per era by hitting the required ranks and finishing the era at that specific rank.
For even more clarity, a Mystic owner can earn 3 Mystic chests this season if they finish at least Tiger during Rare era, Dragon during Epic era, and Challenger during Mystic era.
We believe that with this initiative, we’ve officially turned collectible axies into the first web3-native battle pass. We’re still experimenting and iterating here and will adjust based on data, feedback, and emergent behaviors.
The snapshot for eligibility will take right before the END of each era encouraging climbers to collect axies as well! The chests will be delivered near the beginning of the next era, so your Rare era collectible chest rewards will arrive near the beginning of Epic era.
Please note that you need to be in the required rank or higher at the time of the snapshot to qualify.
Revamped Onboarding Experience
Origins is more than a game: it’s a portal into our digital nation. It’s our duty to carry that torch so new recruits can join us. That’s why we revamped the onboarding experience. New starter axies. Faster tutorial. Simplified Account Registration process. This is how we’re getting ready to welcome the next generation of Lunacians.
Meet Bing and Xia

Bing and Xia are the two new starter axies available now! They’re also part of our new tutorial flow. New and old players alike can put them on their team any time. Bing is playful and tends to be the life of the party. Xia has a reputation for bravery and staying calm under pressure. This beast duo is a fun way to introduce new recruits to the Origins arena! Here are Bing’s and Xia’s cards + associated Runes:
Tutorial Upgrades
We heard our community’s feedback: the Origins tutorial was too long. That’s why new players can now expect a much shorter tutorial. We’ve also disabled Adventure Mode (PvE) because it created barriers to unlocking certain in-game features. However, past foraging rewards are still available to claim.
When a new player registers to play Origins, they’ll receive an email verification code. Once they input the code, they go through a quick tutorial with Bing and Xia. In that tutorial, they’ll meet Buba, play a short Origins match, and then gain access to Origins in full.
Simplified Account Registration Process
New players can now play Origins without going through a lengthy Account Registration process. This makes it easier for casual players to get a taste of Lunacia, and reduces onboarding friction.
New Account Level Reward System
The new Account Level Reward System enables players to earn EXP – and get rewards! Unlock new cosmetics, Moonshards, Honor medals, and even starter axies by playing Origins. This system gives us a sneak peak into what an Axie Battle Pass might look like.
Note: existing players can claim the first batch of rewards as long as they’ve levelled up their account before.
Balancing Updates & New Game Mechanics
Last week, we published the balancing updates for S6 and have released constant updates leading up to today’s patch. We’ve prepared a public Game Balancing changelog sheet for you to stay updated on the latest balancing changes. Click the green button below for instant access.
In addition, there are also new features and game mechanics coming this season! Let’s go through them one by one!
Participation Rewards in the Arena
◦ Players will receive a portion of their potential rewards even when defeated in battle (Stamina must have been spent to qualify for these rewards). This means that even when you lose a Ranked match in Origins, you will be eligible to get some medals. This includes players who surrender the match.
However, there are clear guidelines for receiving your medal rewards when Surrendering. You must meet the criteria stated in the image above.
This change will help players have a more rewarding experience when playing Origins. We’re excited to see how this change affects the leaderboard grind!
Reduced Turn Duration
Again, time per turn has been reduced from 60 seconds to 45 seconds. This is to encourage faster, more decisive gameplay, and reward adaptable players. While this change might take a little bit of getting used to, the community has long been clamoring for more fast-paced matches. We’d love to get some feedback on this change as we go through the season.
Reworked Energy Burst Scaling
We’ve reduced the required number of Energy Fragments for each Energy Burst This helps improve the pace of the game and allow players to develop their positions more quickly.
Bonus Energy Fragment from Leftover Energy
1 Bonus Fragment is gained when converting any amount of leftover energy. This allow players to strategically manage their resources during low-risk situations.
Removed Player 2’s Free Keep
This was done to provide each player with a unique value proposition for their play order. It also helps further improve the P1 vs P2 balance.
Cleanser, and Dispel Rework
These effects will now remove stacks or turns individually rather than in batches. This provides more guaranteed value by avoiding over-cleansing or over-dispeling.
For a complete list of cards, and runes and charm changes, you can go over the public balancing changelog sheet below.
Season 6 proves to be the most competitive and most exciting season of Origins yet. We look forward to see how players respond to the new mechanics changes, as well as wecloming the new players trying out Origins for the first time with our revamped onboarding experience.
As always, your feedback is important to us. Share with us your thoughts and suggestions on this sheet to help make Origins even more awesome!