Let The Starters Bring You Fortune
Win AXS and Fortune Chests in one of the most exciting contests yet!
Building on the success of the last Fortune Chest event, we’ve decided to double down with juicer rewards: AXS! Aurora chests in this event can hold huge chucks of AXS so enter the Arena in pursuit of that golden moment.
Every Lunacian has the chance to claim the ultimate prize by collecting Momo, Pomodoro, and Venoki and bringing them to battle.
That's not all… Participate in this special event and earn GUARANTEED Fortune Chests!
Here’s what’s inside these coveted Fortune Chests:
Yes, you read that right… Up to 100 AXS and 50,000 SLP can be unlocked inside these Aurora Chests if you’re lucky (or blessed) enough!
And here’s a breakdown of your chances to land these rewards-filled chests:
Who knew that your starter Axies could lead you to such incredible fortune?!
Don't miss this golden opportunity to prove your skills, collect unique Axies, and reap the rewards.
See you in the Arena! ⚔️