YOUR Axies are Coming to Homeland!
A peak into the lives of NFT axies in Homeland & more upcoming gameplay features.
Key Points
The Axie Infinity: Homeland Beta is imminent! Homeland is our land-based Axie game where players can build their own settlement on the planet of Lunacia.
Calling all Landlords and Stewards! The new Land Delegation marketplace will go LIVE when Beta begins. This will give you more freedom and opportunity to work together. Set AXS reward splits, delegation time period, termination clauses, plot rights — and more.
Invite your NFT axies to your Land Plot for the first time – in 3D! Manage axies in the Axie Management Panel.
We’ve updated the AXS Reward Loop and updated the in-game Quest System. More information below!
Introducing Material Quality — a new stat for materials. Higher quality materials = better chances to produce and craft higher-quality items. Use the new Alchemy Building to transform a material’s quality.
Check out the new Homeland plot art! Take a moment to soak it in before jumping into the new Beta features below.
The Axie Infinity: Homeland Beta is imminent!
Homeland is Axie’s flagship land-based game where players can build their own settlement on the planet of Lunacia. Our primary growth target with this Beta release is encouraging deeper player engagement – and the important features going LIVE soon will support that vision. Simplified Plot Delegation. NFT axies in Homeland. An updated AXS loop and earning mechanic. These are just a few of the updates in store for Homeland players.
There will be many updates and today we’ll give an overview. However, it will still be important for you to get an understanding and feel for these mechanics next week when you get yours hand on them for yourself.
Introducing the Land Delegation Marketplace
Last June, we established an early system of Land Delegation: Land Delegation allows Landowners to grant Stewards access to unused Homeland plots — whether the Steward owns plots or not. On one hand, this improved accessibility to Homeland and introduced the game to a new audience. On the other hand, Landowners and Stewards asked us for more features like reward splits and smoother tools for mass delegation. To those players, we say welcome to the Land Delegation marketplace!
Through the delegation marketplace, landlords will create their own delegation contracts to which Stewards apply. Set AXS reward splits, delegation time period, termination clauses, and even plot rights. Do this for individual plots or in bulk. For example, choose whether Stewards have the ability to destroy structures on your Mystic Plot or not. This gives Landlords more freedom, and Stewards more opportunities. Here are a few other things you can do on the Land Delegation marketplace:
Whitelist certain users for delegation opportunities by Ronin wallet address
Customize permitted activities related to resource transferring and trading, or structure moving, construction, and destruction
Apply to become a Steward on a particular Landlord’s plot
The ultimate metric that will define this feature’s success for us will be the % of active plots in Lunacia.
Bring your NFT Axies to Work in Homeland!
Most Homeland players have wondered when NFT axies would be usable on their plots. We’re delighted to announce that your NFT axies will be working your plots during Beta.
Lunacia is home to millions of axies, and we’re excited to help them jump into Homeland. This brings even more utility to your axies across our ecosystem.
Invite your axies to join your plot in Homeland. Then, use the Axie Management Panel to put them to work. Your axies will replace the game’s default axies. This is our first step towards deeper integrations between NFT axies and Homeland.
Our first goals with NFT axies include:
• Maximizing % of land plots that have 3 axies working them
• Increasing land-related axie sales and volume
We’ll be working on deeper integration for your axies into Homeland over time. For example we understand that AXP integration and bonuses for certain types of axies are major requests from our landholders.
Material Quality and the Alchemy Building
In Homeland, crafting and production are ways players use materials to get better equipment, earn mAXS rewards, and climb leaderboards. The new Crafting & Production system introduces quality to materials. Players can determine the material composition of final crafted & produced items, while a futuristic Alchemy Building can transform material quality itself. Here’s how it works:
Material Quality
Material quality is a new measurement applied to Materials. For example, it means some wheat will now be of higher quality than other wheat! It also means some bread will be of higher quality than other bread — often depending on the wheat used to craft it. Higher quality materials have a higher chance of producing higher quality items.
What is the Alchemy Building?
We’re giving players the power to influence the quality of materials through the Alchemy Building. The Alchemy Building is where you can combine low-quality materials to create higher-quality materials and vice-versa. For example, put three low-quality clovers to create one high-quality clover! Or, split one unit of high-quality wood into a few separate units of lower-quality wood.
In the Alchemy Building, you can combine and dismantle materials at the same time.
Why We Updated the AXS Rewards Loop
As more players discover Homeland, and the game becomes more sophisticated, our team will need more precise tools to continue encouraging different play styles and types of immersion.
That’s why we’ve introduced two new mechanics in the AXS loop: Ancient Coins and Sapidae Coin. These are non-tradable, in-game currencies players will use to mint mAXS. Earn them through gameplay actions like gathering, producing, crafting, achieving victory in battle, discovering Moonfalls… You get the idea. Here’s how Ancient Coins and Sapidae Coin work together to refine the AXS Reward Loop:
Ancient Coins
Ancient Coins are redeemable for mAXS — 1 Ancient Coin is worth 1 mAXS. However, you’ll need Sapidae Coins to redeem them and claim your rewards.
Sapidae Coins
Sapidae Coins complement Ancient Coins. At the beginning of the Homeland Beta, you’ll need 10 Sapidae Coins to redeem 1 Ancient Coin for mAXS. Here’s what that looks like:
1 Ancient Coin + 10 Sapidae Coins = 1 mAXS
Over time, the Homeland team will then be able to adjust the ratio of Ancient Coins to Sapidae Coins. This will allow them to better balance the AXS Reward Loop.
Final Thoughts
We launched Axie Infinity: Homeland in December of 2022. Today, we’re honored to continue building the game alongside our community. Thank you for joining us on this journey and feel free to share any feedback with us in Discord or on X. See you in Lunacia!
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