Introducing: Fortune Slips!
A Collectible Axie Reward System is live! Part Evolution is almost here.
Key Points
Axie Part Evolutions are almost here. Today, we’re rolling out Fortune Slips – a special blessing from Atia for collectible axies. This is an experimental reward system for collectible axies. It’s now available through App.Axie. Earn Fortune Slips by submitting Atia’s blessing while holding collectible axies.
Soon, you’ll be able to redeem Fortune Slips in Garuda Grove’s Shrine shop on App.Axie for on-chain rewards. For now, all we can say is this: Fortune Slips will play a role in the upcoming release of axie part evolutions.
We’ve included an FAQ below for collectible axie holders. If you’d like to adopt a collectible axie, visit the marketplace.
The launch of axie part evolutions is imminent. This will turn axies into the first digital collectibles that evolves as you play with them – a bleeding edge experiment with Dynamic NFTs. But first, Atia has shared special blessings with collectible axies: Fortune Slips! Earlier this year, we interviewed some of the largest holders of rare axies in Lunacia. We gathered their feedback, and designed a system to elevate the standing of collectible axies. We’ve looked at what works and what doesn’t when it comes to adding utility to digital collectibles. Scarcity. Utility. Aesthetics. It’s a delicate balance, and we’re getting closer to perfecting it everyday. Thanks to Atia’s generosity, Fortune Slips are a step in that direction.
What are Fortune Slips?
Atia has begun to bless collectible axies with Fortune Slips. This is an experimental reward system that increases utility and prestige for collectible axies. Mystics, Summers, Origins, and more – rare axies are a cornerstone of Lunacia, and it's been too long since we’ve rolled out experiments like this for them. We want more people to understand and appreciate the benefits of acquiring and owning these collectible assets.
Lunacians, we regret to inform you that we cannot reveal all of Atia’s secrets – yet. However, here’s what we can say: Fortune Slips will play a small role in the upcoming release of axie part evolutions. Holders of collectible axies who submit Atia’s Blessing via the Shrine on App.Axie can now receive varying amounts of Fortune Slips. More rare collectibles, more Fortune Slips. You’ll soon be able to redeem Fortune Slips for on-chain rewards through the Garuda Shrine Shop.
How to Get Fortune Slips
Step 1: Go to App.Axie.
Step 2: Submit Atia’s Blessing via the Shrine while holding collectible axies in your wallet.
Step 3: Return to the Shrine tomorrow for more fortune slips. Please note that if you do not claim your slips for a given day, they will not carry over to the next day.
Note that your axies must be in your wallet, unlisted, for 3 days to be eligible to claim Fortune Slips.
Where is Garuda Grove?
The Garuda Shrine shop is located in Garuda Grove. Garuda Grove is more than an acronym for GG: it will soon take on a historical significance in Axie lore. You’ll also be able to see your accumulated Fortune Slips and redeem them for on-chain rewards later in the Garuda Shrine Shop. Access the Garuda Shrine Shop through App.Axie.
Fortune Slip FAQ
Here are a few questions you might have relating to Fortune Slips and collectible axies:
How often can I receive Fortune Slips?
Everyday. Pray to Atia, receive your Fortune Slips, and come back the next day. However, please remember: you must hold collectible axies in the wallet you use to gain Atia’s Blessing to receive Fortune Slips.
How do Praying Streaks affect Fortune Slips?
Praying Streaks do not affect Fortune Slips. However, they will continue to influence Origins in-game buffs and rewards.
I prayed to Atia but didn’t receive a Fortune Slip. What happened?
Make sure the wallet you used to pray is holding collectible axies that have not been listed for sale during the past 3 days.
What happens if my collectible axie is part of two separate collections – like Summer and Shiny?
Great question! Atia will reward you with an amount of Fortune Slips assigned to the collection with the higher rate. That means a Summer/Shiny axie would receive 32 slips per blessing.
As of now, there is no difference in distribution between axies with single or double collectible parts.
Final Thoughts
We understand that as we add utility and engagement requirements for collectible axies, the demand for delegation features will increase. We are working on improving the Land delegation feature which we anticipate will also be easy to modify for axies as well.