[Axie Infinity] The Lunacian Issue #1
Land Sale Update, Axieworld.com Launch, Plushie Madness, New Record Axie Sale & More

Welcome to the first issue of The Lunacian!
Subscribe to stay on top of the latest developments in the Axie universe.

Over 3,000 ETH Raised to #Buidl Lunacia!
We’ve been thrilled at the response to our land sale so far. Savannah and Mystic chests are completely sold out. If you haven’t picked up your plots yet, you can still buy Arctic and Forest chests here.
The land sale will continue until all available plots are sold out to accommodate demand from new community members. There is no set date for when we will hold sales for the other quadrants— we plan on releasing initial land gameplay and reassessing at that time.
We will be releasing an updated roadmap soon!
Axie Merchandise Soft-Launch
Due to overwhelming demand for Axie merchandise we’ve started taking orders for Axie shirts and mugs! If you’d like to start #hodling some merch, fill out this form.

AxieWorld.com Launch
Our community has amazed us again! Community members Coco and Clumsier have launched Axieworld.com—a site that congregates useful guides/tools in one easy to use interface. Want to up your win-rate in battles or make sure you’re breeding the right pairs? Check it out here.

Chimera Plushies Distributed + CoinGecko Item
Due to a hiccup with chest unlocks on land-sale launch night, we sent these beautiful Chimera plushies to everyone who was affected. The Creative Crypto magazine did a cool feature of the plushes— check it out here.
In addition, we will be distributing the exclusive tokenized Gecko’s from our collaboration with Coingecko. If you’d like to discuss getting your brand inside the Axie universe of Lunacia, please reach out to aleksander@axieinfinity.com.

New Record Axie Sale
This month has seen a bunch of huge Axie sales on the secondary market. Most notably, we had a new record for ETH spent on an Axie with #265 going for 85.2 ETH!

That’s it for now!
The Axie Infinity Team
Axie Infinity Discord — Want to start playing but not sure where to start? Join our Discord and ask about the “Axie Scholarship”.
Axie Infinity Twitter— Our DM’s are always open :)
Axieworld.com— A community-run site that aggregates the top Axie tools, guides, and mini-games.