[Axie Infinity] Lunacian Issue #9
Development Update, 500 Startups Demo Day, Psycheout Korea Presentation, Community Shoutouts

Welcome to the 9th issue of The Lunacian, a periodical covering the latest news & developments from the Axie universe!
If you haven’t already, make sure to join our Discord to meet the rest of our happy, healthy, and energetic community!
Development Update
We’ve rolled out a private alpha test for the mobile application to 9 fanatic community members.
We are deploying ~1 new patch per day.
The application works on both mobile & desktop.
We have finished an infographic describing the new battle system.
We have added a new abstract to the LUNA white paper.
We are working on a new marketplace that will combine Land, Items, & Axies.
The number of influencers & media connections we have has been growing at 8% weekly rate.
Our product meeting synced up on upcoming feature releases and priorities after the application release.
We will be announcing a hackathon with some heavy hitting partners soon.
The team will be at Blockchain week in Korea, presenting alongside top industry leaders such as Vitalik Buterin. Send a message to aleksander@axieinfinity if you’re around!
Andy and Jihoz got haircuts.
500 Startups Demo Day
Last week, we had the honor of presenting Axie Infinity to some of Asia’s top investors, media outlets, and influencers. People are fascinated by the Axie journey and we came out of the event with new allies. Here are some photos of the team in action!

Psycheout Presentation in Korea
Aleks, (AKA Psycheout) presented at the Hashed Lounge on our approach to NFT design. Check it out!
Community Shoutouts
Kudos to:
DannyCorp for helping shape the future of LUNA token.
Jdor for being a rock of the community and pushing us to learn about the future of money.
Binary Assets for his leadership in Discord.
Chaz for energetically welcoming new community members and always having a positive spirit.
What the Moose for being the most fearsome Axie trainer since Uselezz’s reign.
Chief for his positive energy and support of community projects such as Axie.gg.
Freak for being an unsung hero— his tools are still the most used of any community developer!
Zakke for never giving up, no matter what life throws his way. Congrats on being able to stream again!
Spawn for his comedic relief in Discord.
That’s it for now!
The Axie Infinity Team
Axie Infinity Discord — Want to start playing but not sure where to start? Join our Discord, our community will answer any questions you have!
Axie Infinity Twitter— Our DM’s are always open :)
AxieWorld.com— A community-run site that aggregates the top Axie tools, guides, and mini-games.