[Axie Infinity] Lunacian Issue #12
Development Update, Mystic Market Heats Up, Nifty Gateway Acquisition

Welcome to the 12th issue of The Lunacian, a periodical covering the latest news & developments from the Axie universe!
If you haven’t already, make sure to join our Discord to meet the rest of our amazing community!

Development Update
The application has undergone a major upgrade in the last week.
We have confirmed a launch date for early access internally.
The application will be available in Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, and IOS.
We are 90% through a marketplace revamp.
We’ll be holding an AMA in Discord with our CEO, Trung on December 12th!
We've re-organized our Discord's layout. Let us know if you have any feedback on the changes!
Mystic Axie Market Heats Up
The Mystic Axie market is gaining steam and we recently saw two huge sales. Remember, mystic Axies are a special subset of origin Axies with unique skins and capped supply.
Mystics are great ways to own valuable parts of the Axie universe.

Nifty Gateway Acquisition
Congrats to our friends NIFTY Gateway on their recent acquisition by THE Winklevoss twins.

Nifty Gateway was a vital partner for our land sale, helping us process over 30,000 USD worth of land sales through credit card with zero credit card fraud!
This is a landmark moment for user-facing blockchain apps and reaffirms that some of the most visionary investors in the world are very interested in open gaming economies.
Axie Application Demo at Slush
Our COO Aleksander was in Finland for Slush, a huge tech startup conference last week.
Lucky attendees were able to demo the upcoming application. We got great feedback!
Shoutout to community streamers Catdicax and Reillz for attending and representing the Axie family!

That’s it for now!
The Axie Infinity Team
Axie Infinity Discord — Want to start playing but not sure where to start? Join our Discord, our community will answer any questions you have!
Axie Infinity Twitter— Our DM’s are always open :)
AxieWorld.com— A community-run site that aggregates the top Axie tools, guides, and mini-games.