[Axie Infinity] Lunacian #20

Welcome to the 20th issue of The Lunacian, a periodical covering the latest news & developments from the Axie universe!
If you haven’t already, make sure to join our Discord to meet the rest of our amazing community!

Axie Joins Ubisoft’s Entrepreneurs Lab Season 5 Program!
We are delighted to share that Axie Infinity is participating in the prestigious Ubisoft Entrepreneurs Lab Season 5 program. The Sky Mavis team will be working closely with Ubisoft experts to prepare Axie Infinity for a mainstream release. This includes areas like:
• Free-To-Play
• On-boarding
• Traditional player journey

Land Development Update
We’re delighted to share a development update to show off our progress on land!
Check it out for:
• An overview of our progress so far.
• What we're building now.
• Some insights into defining our first public release!

Mavis Hub Launcher
Last month we shared our first release of the Mavis Hub launcher! The launcher will serve as a consolidated place for:
• Downloading new app updates for desktop devices.
• News & guides.
• New games within our universe!
This was a key step in allowing for the seamless release of new content to our community without players having to keep track of countless different versions on their devices.

Community Spotlight: Baronar
Baronar recently made a splash in the Axie universe with his major land acquisition finishing off the remaining quadrant 1 chests in a dramatic flurry.
Cloudwhite & Jihoz sat down with the newly minted land baron to get his views on Blockchain games, land, and the future of Axie.
Check out the interview below!

See You In The Arena!
The Axie Infinity Team
Axie Infinity Discord — Want to start playing but not sure where to start? Join our Discord, our community will answer any questions you have!
Axie Infinity Twitter — Our DM’s are always open :)
All the information & tools you need to play Axie Infinity in one place.