[Axie Infinity] Alpha Season 4 is Live!

We’re delighted to announce that Arena Season 4 of the Community Alpha is live! Kyber Network Crystals have returned to the Arena!

Reward Structure
Our Alpha seasons allow Axie trainers of all skill levels to earn tokens for winning arena battles!
25% of the KNC (500) will be distributed to the top 50 spots on the leaderboard at the end of the season. The season will last 2 weeks, ending on May 3rd at 10 AM EST.

1,000 Axie Kyber Coins= 1 KNC. The price of KNC as of April 20th, is .46 USD per KNC.
In addition, 75% of the KNC (1,500) will have a chance to drop from any arena match during the season, so any trainer, regardless of skill level, has a chance to earn some!
Please note that each human is only eligible for 1 leaderboard position-based payout. Any attempts to abuse the system will result in a ban from Season rewards.

Card Balancing
We’ve introduced a few balancing changes with Season 4! Seasons 2 & 3 represented an improvement over Season 1 but we still saw a few cards that were clearly superior to others based on:
An analysis of stats & effects. For example, we saw that Kotaro Bite and Carrot Hammer were overrepresented among top teams. Kotaro and Carrot both have energy gain mechanisms so we compared their stats to other energy gain options. In comparison, it was clear that the attack + shield on these cards was much higher than similar options such as Imp.
Representation among the top teams by win percentage (taking into account sample size of course).
Check the balancing changes in the infographic below!

Get Involved!
Make sure to read the available guides and PvP related content! You can find a full list of resources here: https://bit.ly/AxieResources Start practicing! The best way to learn is by getting some games under your belt in the Arena. The current season is an ideal time to start!

See You In The Arena!
The Axie Infinity Team
Axie Infinity Discord — Want to start playing but not sure where to start? Join our Discord, our community will answer any questions you have!
Axie Infinity Twitter — Our DM’s are always open :)